Spring is here... finally!
It has been a long cold winter, but the flowers are in bloom and the park is ready for some tender loving care. On Saturday, May 10 starting at 9am, we will be doing a spring clean-up in Irving Circle Park and we welcome your help! Bring yourself, your friends, your family... Bring yard tools, gloves, sunscreen... We'll be pulling weeds, picking up limbs and trash, cleaning out the gutters, maybe mulching, maybe painting the fountain. We will have donuts and beverages and hope to be done by noontime. Any help is appreciated!
And concerts... yes we have concerts coming.
Saturday, June 14th, Late Shift Disorder (featuring Irvingtonian Paul Diebold) will be performing. They are a 4 piece electric rock and roll and blues group playing music from the 50's, 60's, and 70's as well as some original pieces.
Saturday, July 12th, Irvington favorite Audio Diner will be performing their playlist of fun filled songs.
And later this summer, look for rock-n-roll band the Lightweights XL.
All concerts run from 7pm to 9pm.
To see a complete concert schedule and to keep updated on the latest at Irving Circle Park, click here.