Monday, May 12, 2008

After the clean up...

On Saturday, over an eight hour period, around 30 volunteers brought their garden tools and helped us out as we cleaned up the park and began our re-landscaping plan.
In the beds around the fountain, the yews were removed. They had become a security problem. We are hoping to increase visibility of the fountain and decrease vandalism. In their place, hostas and boxwoods.
The outer beds also received some attention, as spireas were thinned out and some oak leaf hydrangeas were added.
All the beds received new mulch. We also mulched around the trees.
Even the young ones were helping.
Well, not all of them.
But we still had time to take a break now and then and socialize with the neighbors.
At the end of the day Saturday, all of the landscaping beds were done.
The outer beds were clean up, thinned out, weeded, and mulched.
Because of the large amount of hostas available, we split them and started planting them around the park's trees.
The beds around the fountains have large hosta gardens and are prepped for the new boxwood shrubs.

The boxwoods will be installed in two phases, with one row being planted this fall and one next fall. We are in need of additional donations to help cover it. In total, we are planning on paying around $1500 for the new plants. If you would like to donate, please email us at Irving Circle at G Mail dot com.

After the boxwoods are planted, the next phase of landscaping will include new park benches (as you can see, they are in need of replacement) and replacing deteriorated sidewalks. Any financial assistance you can give to Friends of Irving Circle, a 501(c)3 not for profit organization, will be appreciated. Contributions are tax deductible.

Thanks to all of our volunteers and especially to the four brave souls who yanked the yews out on Saturday in the pouring rain!

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